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Monday, September 2, 2013

Superior Labor Day Weekend

It was a great day on the pond.  The water was smooth like mercury with a nice onshore swell.  Surface water temperatures ranged from 58-63 degrees F... perfect for surface action on shallow swung out dipsies.  The day started with overcast conditions and occasional light sprinkles.  Then changed to clear skies, high sun, and calm conditions.  We adapted to the weather and dropped lines deeper in the water column as the fish sunk during the day.  The boat scored a "Superior Salmon Slam" catching humpies, kings and a coho...  supplemented with some nice wild native lakers.  


King on the deck...

Unusual gill plate dimples... a mutation for improved aero?

Dipsy king...


Shark fins.

33-inch laker going back.

A beautiful 29-inch wild laker.  C&R.


A little buck getting his humpback.

Leopard spots.

The sandflies offshore were pretty bad.  But, it was one of those days you just didn't want to bring her in.

Riding mercury swells.

Coffee and tying tinsel fly rigs between fish.

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